Project Description
“Ravenous” by Rande Cook, Acrylic on Canvas 72” x 72”
The Marriage, 48″ x 36″, acrylic on canvas by Rande Cook
Rande Cook, wood panel, acrylic on canvas, 2014
Rande Cook, 48″ x 48″, mixed media, 2014.
Rande Cook, acrylic on canvas, 2014
Hand-carved and painted cedar squirrel mask with horsehair, 8″ x 10″ x 14″, 2014.
Rande Cook: Squirrel Mask with Chief’s Copper 24″x 36″ Oil on panel 2014
Chief Rande Cook Squirrel 36 x 48 Oil on panel 2014. Private Collection
Rande Cook: Vatican Mask Squirrel 24″ x 36″ Oil on panel 2014
The Matrix (Rande Cook Regalia Back View), Pigment prints on cotton velvet paper Edition of 3 36” x 24” 2/3, 3/3 (2014) Available
Raven Remix (Concept Dress Design) Digital Composite (Designed in Photoshop CS2), Inkjet print on cotton velvet paper Edition of three 36” x 24” 2014 Available