Project Description
It has been a long time since I’ve last made a post. The last two years have been difficult, as I was in a primary and secondary caregiving role for two older relatives faced with complex and critical illnesses. I will elaborate more on this in the future. But in the meantime, I’ve been experimenting with intuitive interspecies communication and using collage as a medium of expression. Collage has always been a part of my artistic practice, blurring the boundaries between many disparate realities to create “the spark of poetry that leaps across the gap as these two realities are brought together” (Berger). I’ve enjoyed this analogue method of communicating thoughts through the materials.
Berger, Barbara. “Collage, Frottage, Grattage….” Moderna Museet,
Accessed 7 May 2020.

Intuitive interspecies communication techniques, mixed paper on watercolour paper (after Michael Morris), 5″ x 7″, 2023